martes, 29 de marzo de 2016



You are going to set up a company/business. You are going to create and sell a product. It can be real or just a product of your imagination. Before that you must follow this process:

  1. Read pages 86 and 87 about ongoing and variable costs.
  2. Decide what you are going to create.
  3. Think and write a list of the ongoing costs for a year
    1. Rent
    2. Utilities
    3. Insurance
    4. Salaries
  4. Now think and write a list with other variable costs
    1. Materials
    2. Shipping costs
    3. Promotional costs
    4. Commissions for sales targets
    5. How much is your budget (total expenses)
  5. Now write a text where you have to describe the process of creating this company. Things to consider: name of the company, how many people are involved in the project; where are you going to set the company;  how much money are you going to earn; advantages and disadvantages of running a company.

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